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Meet DaKyla Tall

HI, I'm DaKyla and this is my blog. I started this blog because I currently have a lot going on in life and decided to share my journey and a little about me .


I am born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. I grew up on the south side of Chicago, Illinois with a family of six.

I attended Evangelical Christian School and then transferred to Wendell Green Elementary school. At this school I was apart of many extracurricular activities such as:

- Pom Pom

- Tennis Team

- Basketball Team

- National BETA Club

After, graduating elementary school I attended Morgan Park High School. I was accepted into the International Baccalaureate Program for all four years of high school. I was active with many extracurricular programs such as:

- Tennis Team

- Soccer Team

- IB Society


During high-school, I was able to take an HBCU trip with a DeltaGems program in Chicago. This trip helped me open up and get a look into how college life is and the many opportunities that are present on the campuses.


In the windy city is where I began to notice who I truly am. I noticed things that I enjoyed, one of those things was the topic of biology and the evolution of life and medicine.



Present life :

I am currently trying to find my way as an adult and make the best decisions for my life in the future. By being true to myself and trying new things, I am able to understand what is best for me and what sparks my interest.

College Life :

I attend Indiana State University, and I am pursuing my bachelors degree in biology. College life is hard, but its just the process of adjusting. I love school and enjoy the new challenges and the new connections along the way. As a senior, I can truly say that time management is very crucial if you want to succeed in college or in life in general. 


Over the years, I have learned to manage my time especially when studying the many topics of biology and doing many research opportunities here at Indiana State University. I have also learned to incorporate many organizations into my schedule and keep up with all my school work and social life.


During my time in college, I was able to form connections  to many different people and be more involved with campus life. Over my time here at Indiana State University I have currently been apart of :


-Black Student Union( BSU): I am currently the on the E-Board as the Senate Chair and Community Service Chair.

​- Honors College

- Student African American Sisterhood

Community Service

I have done many community service acts while being a student , but I do have a few favorites.


During the Christmas season, there was a Chicago family that was at their hardest time. So a few of my friends and I decided to do a fundraiser and buy them a Christmas . We were able to to provide a Christmas tree and many presents for the grandmother and her four grandchildren.


I have also done many fundraisers and helped many people and help uplift them at hard times, whether that was from a food drive or simply doing something nice for them in a time of need.



Over the years I have developed many hobbies. One of my top hobbies is playing tennis. I have been playing tennis for 14 years, and 8 of those years were competitive competitions. I have won many awards for my hard work and dedication.


While playing tennis, I have had many opportunities to help many young talented kids on how to play tennis, and many strategies to help them to continue to get better. I have stopped playing competitive, but in my spare time I find a way back to the sport I love!


Another hobby that I really enjoy is doing my own hair. I have learned how to lay wigs, braid with extension hair, silk presses, spring twist, and so many more hairstyles. I find learning how to do your own hair as a black women is really important . Learning this and being able to teach young black girls how to care of their curly locks is really important and help girls understand that their hair is unique and defies gravity. Which in my opinion is what makes black girl hair magical, the diversity of it.

Future Goals:

After Graduating from from Indiana State University with a bachelors in biology I plan on going into an EMT program to get direct patient care hours. With this certification, I will be able to apply to a masters program for Physicians Assistant

( PA). With a degree and certification as a Physician Assistant, I plan on opening my own office that specializes in Gynecology.


I have always been very fond of biology and medicine, to see medicine grow and continue to change everyday. I believe I would be a great  asset to this field, because of my passion for science and wanting to know more about it. Being able to help women in this field will be a great way to educate and help.


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